It is finally happening. On March 5th, Chris and I are moving into our new apartment. We are so excited for this new adventure and this new chapter in our lives. We signed some preliminary paperwork yesterday and are the first on the waiting list, which is why we can't move out until March. We'll post more when we are further along in the process.
How exciting!! Where is it? Somewhere a little closer to Salt Lake?
It's in Draper...by IKEA. So, not really closer to Salt Lake...but we love it!
I think you are really going to love being on your own again. Will the grand dog be moving with you?
Yep! Gir will be moving with us. We couldn't leave him behind!! However, my parents have given permission to drop him off at their house while Chris and I are at school all day.Chris and I are so excited to be on our own again!!
That's a big deal! Hope you have a party to mark this new adventure in your lives!
Don't worry! We are going to have a celebration! We haven't been able to afford an apartment for the last two and a half years! I am so excited for this, and also greatful to my parents for putting up with us and our dog for the past two and a half years!
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