10. Jamming to music in the office
9. Helping at the Aquarium Birthday Party
8. Having a job so close to home
7. The animals
6. Some of the hosts that work under me
5. Cute kids (they get so excited to see the animals)
4. Elesha (can always make me laugh)
3. Amanda (not Amanda Nelson, my work friend Amanda)
2. Lindsay (my fellow conspirator)
1. Alessandra (a wonderful friend)
Here are some things (not in any order) that I will NOT miss:
1. The hideous blue shirts of death (they make young ladies look square)
2. Upset guests
3. Cleaning up "accidents"
4. Long lines
5. Screaming children
6. Children with temper tantrums
7. Parents who don't watch after their children
8. When guests enter the door, the exclaim "hey, it smells like fish!" (that gets old really, really fast!!!)
9. People trying to get in for free
10. Non existent communication between the departments
However much I complained about work, overall, I think that it was a good experience for me and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to work there. I'm going to miss all of the good friends that I've made, but there are just some times when you need to try a new path in life. So, to all my aquarium friends I say, Adieu!