Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Rare Occurrence

This weekend, a rare occurrence took place: my whole family was at one place at the same time. At one time, this was not such a rare occasion, but since my younger brother joined the Air Force, having him has been a rare privilege. He came home this weekend to attend the wedding of one of his friends and he just happened to come home on a weekend where my niece was going to be in town! Since everyone was home and my niece is turning two soon, we held a birthday party for her and it was really fun to have the family together. We had our cousins and Aunt come over for dinner, cupcakes, and presents. It was a lot of fun, especially to see sweet Lucy open her presents with the help of her dad. It was a great evening and I hope that we can all get together again soon!


The Queen Vee said...

Family gatherings should be attended and cherished, what a happy occasion.

Nikol said...

Sounds great! What a good looking group of people :)