Gir recieved a new chew toy from Kris Kringle

Vanessa got Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton from Kris Kringle

Chris got a new 8 GB thumb drive from Kris Kringle

Our niece Lucy celebrated her first Kris Kringle Day and got a cute monkey toy
For those of you who don't know what Kris Kringle Day is,
it is a German holiday where on the night of the 5th of December,
each family member puts 1 pair of shoes out in the hall and in the morning,
if they are good, Kris Kringle gives them a small present. If they have been
naughty, they receive coal and sticks in their shoes. I have been celebrating
this holiday for as long as I can remember (my parents picked it up to a visit to
Germany where they were visiting my aunt and uncle when they were first married)
and Chris and I have been continuing the tradition since we have been married.
It is a lot of fun, and if you don't celebrate it yet, it's never too late to start!