So far, out of our four years of marriage, Chris and I have gone on a hike up to the Mt. Timpanogos caves (in American Fork, Utah) for three out of the four years. It is usually a hike filled with both pain (the hike is really, really steep) and awe (the caves themselves are worth the painful hike to visit). This year we were joined by my brother Brett and it was a blast!! We hiked up to the caves faster than I ever have in my life! We took almost no stops and it seemed like Brett was almost running up the steep incline. Once we endured to the end or top of the hike, we were so early that we had to wait over an hour for our appointed time to take our cave tour. I was really surprised to see how many families with very young children were attempting this hike, especially due to the steepness that is the climb up. The caves themselves are spectacular! I can't describe in words how beautiful the cave formations are, but I am always awed by them even though I have seen them many times. The hike down was fairly quick and we grabbed a bite to eat once we made it down to the bottom. Thanks for coming with us this year Brett! You made this trip really special!
P.S. If you ever go on this hike, here are some words of advice:
Go early in the morning
Try to go on an overcast day
Bring LOTS of water
Bring a sweatshirt for the caves, they get pretty cold