Yesterday, Chris and I were having our usual, relaxing morning before heading off to Church at 1:00. While we were getting ready for said Church, Gir began barking and when we went to see what he was barking at, we saw HORSES outside our apartment window. HORSES!! Not just one horse, but four!! This was such an unusual occurrence that I ran to my room and grabbed my new graduation present which I used to document this extraordinary occasion. I just couldn't believe that there were really four horses happily munching the grass right outside our little apartment. The lasted for about 10 minutes before two cop cars and another man showed up and took the horses away. It was a bit sad to see them go, but Gir was sure happy about it. We went for a walk a short time later, and Gir had to investigate where the horses had grazed to make sure they were really gone. I guess that in our new neighborhood, we should expect the bizarre and unexpected. Chris and I are still trying to come up with explanations as to how the horses got to be right outside our window, but nothing solid has come forward at this time.